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Information Service

Information Service for Brain Tumour Patients and their Relatives

  • Brain Tumour Information Service: 0049.3437.702 702
  • Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.


The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe offers a German-wide central brain tumour information service. It serves patients and their relatives as a guide for medical care and provides quality-assured information on service providers, treatment options and disease patterns of neurooncology.
Via telephone, we answer questions about brain tumours in general, about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options. All interested parties should get rapid access to current information about cancer research, standards for diagnosis, treatment and aftercare, as well as addresses and offers from other cancer-related institutions.
Contact our information service with your questions and concerns. Inform yourself! Use our knowledge to manage your disease better.

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PCV beim Gliom Grad 2

Alleinige Chemotherapie wirksam

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Cannabinoide beim Glioblastom

Erste Studiendaten zu Nabiximols und TMZ

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Lebensqualität und die Behandlung mit elektischen Wechselfedern

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