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Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V. - Facebook


Local Networking backs you up

  • Mediation of regional contacts : 0049.3437.999 68 67
  • Tuesdays from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.


Research on life quality of brain tumour patients has shown that many people find it very helpful to share their experiences with other people concerned. You do not want to be on your own with all upcoming questions either? Instead, would you like to benefit from the experiences of other patients and their relatives? We can connect you with people and groups in your region.

Do you feel ready to inform others about your disease and to support them with your knowledge? Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Help for patients and their relatives

The diagnosis brain tumour and the resulting changes in life cause a variety of personal problems and questions. An exchange with others can help you to deal with this.

The contact to a local group is a chance for many people concerned to solve some problems and to help each other. They speak about their experiences with the medical and technical care and about personal and social consequences of their desease in everyday life.

Weitere Informationen für Hirntumorpatienten und Angehörige

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PCV beim Gliom Grad 2

Alleinige Chemotherapie wirksam

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Cannabinoide beim Glioblastom

Erste Studiendaten zu Nabiximols und TMZ

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Lebensqualität und die Behandlung mit elektischen Wechselfedern

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