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Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V. - Facebook

About Us

Knowledge creates future

The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V. is a brain tumour association registered in Germany. It was established in 1998 and is the only organisation in German-speaking countries dedicated to providing information and support to brain tumour patients. It is a non-profit organisation based in Leipzig which has more than 800 members and 7.000 friends from over 14 nations. Patients, family members, health professionals and scientists get involved with a common goal: Finding a cure for brain tumours - as fast as possible.

Our organisation is a central contact point for all patients confronted with a brain tumour diagnosis. Our aim is to offer help and orientation as well as objective and supplementary information to patients and their relatives.


According to our motto "knowledge creates future", we inform patients and others about the latest and most current news in diagnosing and treating brain tumours. Besides maintaining a website with detailed information, we publish a magazine, organise symposia and offer several services at telephone.


Apart from providing support to everyone whose life is affected by a brain tumour, we have a special interest in the advancement of scientific research. Primarily, our aim is to promote interdisciplinary cooperation of all areas of expertise involved in the treatment of brain tumours, as well as supporting neuro-oncological research projects and facilitating the international transfer of knowledge.


Our work is not funded by public purses, we are free from pharmaceutical sponsoring and are funded just by donations. Help us to help!


PCV beim Gliom Grad 2

Alleinige Chemotherapie wirksam

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Cannabinoide beim Glioblastom

Erste Studiendaten zu Nabiximols und TMZ

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Lebensqualität und die Behandlung mit elektischen Wechselfedern

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