Fördermitglieder helfen dauerhaft

Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V. - Facebook


Become a Member of our Organisation!

Nearly 800 people from more than 14 nations are supporting members of the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe. Please support our commitment for brain tumour patients as well! 


As a member, you will help us to realise important projects, such as the information service or our Journal Brainstorm, by donating an annual amount of at least € 60. With a regular contribution, you will allow us to continue existing services and give us planning security for many projects in future. 


We look forward to new members. You can easily request the applictation form via our contact formIf you have any questions, please contact our membership management under the phone number 0049.341.590 93 96.

Give us your trust - and become a supporting member!


PCV beim Gliom Grad 2

Alleinige Chemotherapie wirksam

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Cannabinoide beim Glioblastom

Erste Studiendaten zu Nabiximols und TMZ

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Lebensqualität und die Behandlung mit elektischen Wechselfedern

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