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Useful information concerning the topic of brain tumours

In this area we have listed a collection of information for patients and their relatives. We are keeping you up to date with news in diagnostics, therapies and after treatment of brain tumours, publishing book tips and experience reports by other affected people, such as providing you with important links referring to the topic.

10 pieces of advice for patients
Questions for your doctor
Self aid contact
Experience reports
Experts council
Brain tumour forum
Brain tumour chat
Literature tips
Movie tips
Brain tumour links

Moreover we would be happy to take your ideas as for news, books and topic suggestions concerning brain tumours into consideration, to be able to spread them to other patients and affected.
Feel free to contact us via +49-341 590 93 96 or just send us an E-Mail to info@hirntumorhilfe.de


PCV beim Gliom Grad 2

Alleinige Chemotherapie wirksam

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Cannabinoide beim Glioblastom

Erste Studiendaten zu Nabiximols und TMZ

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Lebensqualität und die Behandlung mit elektischen Wechselfedern

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