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World Brain Tumour Day

Send a signal: 8th June is World Brain Tumour Day

We want to send a signal and a reminder to commemorate those affected, this year, for the fourteenth time: the World Brain Tumour Day on June 8. This commemoration day was initialised by our association in 2000 with the aim of drawing public attention to this little-known disease. As brain tumours still occur rather rarely in comparison to other cancers, they are yet sparsely known in society.

However the diagnosis could affect every one of us. In Germany, more than 6000 people develop a primary malignant brain tumour annually. Worldwide there are 650 incidences daily. The number of patients with brain metastases as a complication of lung cancer, breast cancer and other cancers is even higher. And did you know that brain tumours are the most common solid tumours in children?

Fighting brain tumours, neurosurgical measures, chemo- and radiation therapy, immune- and antibody therapy are used. But besides huge progresses in the medical treatment of brain tumours, a cure is still rarely possible, as the localisation of the tumour and its biology make the treatment very difficult. That is why it is particularly important to investigate brain tumours more intensely and to improve treatment options. Every ever so little scientific innovation might be a success in the fight against this disease and could help improving the chances of survival such as the patients’ quality of life.

For patients themselves it is of particular concern to get broad and relevant information helping to deal with their disease appropriately and to be aware of their therapy options. The knowledge of different treatment possibilities can lessen the mental pressure and increase the chances of survival.
Together with other organisations, the German Brain Tumour Association strives for the improvement of the patients’ care and an international transfer of knowledge.

Therefore the World Brain Tumour Day endeavours to draw public attention to the situation of brain tumour patients and appeals for solidarity with patients and their relatives. Further it serves as a reminder to the responsible people in politics and economy, to point out a social responsibility they are to take. Active support of research and an increased interdisciplinary collaboration are the keys to developing new therapies and improving the chances of healing. Until then, it is essential to campaign together for the enhancement of patients’ quality of life, to give hope and to show solidarity – it is essential to send a signal.

In the same manner, the Grey Ribbon serves as a reminder of the solidarity for brain tumour patients. The design is based on the Red Ribbon, the global symbol of solidarity for people caught with HIV. When wearing the Grey Ribbon you show your concerns and solidarity with people who are troubled with the diagnosis brain tumour.



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