
Running for Charity

Those who want to compete in a marathon need to put great efforts into their preparation and above all "healthy" lungs. The great distances most marathons require to overcome, cannot be mastered without working out week after week, which again presupposes a certain strength and condition. Indeed 42 kilometres are feasible with the right attitude. Julia Wilde proved it at this year’s marathon in Hamburg on the 26th of April. Her motivation: She did not only run to test her fitness, but she also wanted to draw attention to the difficult situation of brain tumour patients.


At the competition the 31-year-old wore a T-shirt with the slogan of her benefit project: “Running for Charity”. On the funding platform betterplace.org she appealed to the public to support the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe financially. All in all she collected 437€. The amateur marathon runner does not only run for charity, but also to be reminiscent of a friend who died after he was diagnosed with glioblastoma. Another friend and former fellow runner is also affected by this malignant tumour.


"Due to him and his family I experienced how the disease and its side effects can only be endured with a lot of hope and support. I don’t want to sit around waiting, and feeling helpless", says Julia Wilde. With her project she wants to contribute to the effort to inform the public about the subject and to foster scientific research.

Being in the middle of the marathon the young woman found out by incidence that she was not the only one who was running for brain tumour patients. Amongst more than 15.000 participants she bumped into another runner on whose T-shirt the same logo, by means the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe, was printed. Vanessa Weber, whose brother died at the age of 43 two years ago because of glioblastoma, participated in the Hamburg’s marathon for the second time in a row to support the the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe in memorial of her brother. She and her family thereby contributed selflessly and with a lot of physical efforts to the work of our association. The two women ran side by side for while and finally reached the finish line with only a few minutes difference.


For Julia Wilde this marathon was a great success, and it won’t be her last. On her website she proudly announces,that “More competitions will follow.” The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe is very grateful for this much commitment, be it personal or in terms of sports.


For information on Julia Wilde you can visit her on betterplace.org : www.betterplace.org/de/fundraising-events/von-julia-fc8e0fa . You can also find the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V. there: www.betterplace.org/de/projects/22393-deutsche-hirntumorhilfe-unterstutzung-fur-hirntumorpatienten

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