Donation in Memorial

Donation in Memorial

The loss of a beloved person hurts. Therefore it is of greatest value whenever the bereaveds’ thoughts are heading to other people still suffering from the disease in order to give them new hope, while still grieving over the present loss oneself. With a memorial donation in favour of the Deutsche Hirtumorhilfe e.V. you can help children and adults suffering from cancer by suggesting to let out funeral wreaths and flowers and appealing to donations instead. This way you can contribute to a topic,which used to be important for both you and the deceased person. We want to thank you for your trust and support, notably on behalf of the other patients you are thereby caring for.


Please inform us about your donation call and send us a copy of your obituary via mail, fax or email. This way we can assign the received memorial donations to your personal key word.


If you decide to do so, we recommend the following formula for your obituary:


In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.. Sparkasse Muldental, IBAN: DE 83 8605 0200 1010 0369 00, BIC: SOLADES1GRM, Key word:....


Please don’t forget to mention the name of the deceased person.


If you have any questions or if you want to talk about other forms of donations, please call 0049.341.590 93 96.

Donation Account:


Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.
Sparkasse Muldental

IBAN: DE 83 8605 0200 1010 0369 00


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