Astrocytoma III
Anaplastic Astrocytoma
Anaplastic astrocytoma are classified as malignant glioma. With high propability they are a progression from an astrocytoma grade II, but they can also be newly diagnosed.
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Histology of Anaplastoc Astrocytoma
- fast growing, diffusely infiltrating tumour (WHO III)
Epidemology of Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- peak age between 40 and 60
- also in childhood (frequently as ponsglioma)
- twice as often in men
Symptoms of Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- similar to tumours with WHO-grade II
- epileptic seizures
- signs of intracranial pressure (headache, nausea and emesis, fatigue
- psychological disorders (changes in personality)
- neurological deficits (sensory disturbances, paralysis, speech disorders)
Diagnosing Diffuse Astrocytoma
- MRI, CT and biopsy
- heterogenous contrast-enhancement (especially in tumour margin)
- tend to edema formation
- frequently margins to normal tissue are not identifiable
- nfiltrated tissue seems swollen
- main localisation: cerebrum (frontal- and temporal lobe, basal ganglia)
Therapy of Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- complete as possible surgical removal
- in inoperable tumours: biopsy for diagnosis backup
- radiotherapy on tumour volume and safety margin of 2 cm
- chemotherapy
Therapy in Recurrent Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- re-operation
- second irradiation
- chemotherapy, possibly with different chemotherapeutic agent
- experimental treatments
Aftercare of Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- first imaging 6 weeks after therapy
- subsequently MRI every three months
Course of Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- not rarely they transform to higher-grade tumour (glioblastoma)
Prognosis of Anaplastic Astrocytoma
- despite treatment worse prognosis